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Faculty of Technology

Track 1 : Computational Intelligence

  • Neural Networks
  • Machine Learning
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Multimedia & Image Processing
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Bioinformatics
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Computer Vision
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Virtual Reality System
  • Computational Geometry
  • Evolutionary Computation
  • Fuzzy Systems
  • Hybrid Intelligent Systems
  • Agent Systems
  • Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization
  • Temporal and Spatial Reasoning
  • Scheduling and Planning

Track 2 : Security & Network Technologies

  • Networking and communications
  • Information Security and trust management
  • Reliability & Fault tolerance
  • Mobile and ubiquitous computing
  • Dependable, reliable and autonomic computing
  • Computer Ethics
  • Energy-efficient network services and operations

Track 3 : Information Technology

  • Big data
  • Data Warehouses and OLAP, Data Mining
  • Semantic Databases
  • Data Integration, Interoperability
  • Database System Internals, Performance, Self-tuning Benchmarking and Testing
  • Personalization, Recommendation in Information Systems
  • Web Services
  • Scientific Computing
  • Green computing models, methodologies and paradigms
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Social networks and web 2.0
  • Ontology Based Modelling, Role of Ontologies in Modelling Activities
  • Model Manipulation
  • Data Quality
  • Education and E-learning
  • Semantic Web 
  • E-commerce
  • Energy-aware software

Track 4 : Software Engineering

  • Formal methods, verification, and synthesis
  • Programming, specification, and modelling languages
  • Program analysis
  • Software testing
  • Dependability, safety, and reliability
  • Security, privacy and trust
  • Software evolution and maintenance
  • Software architecture
  • Requirements engineering
  • Model-driven engineering
  • Middleware, frameworks, and APIs
  • Parallel, distributed, and concurrent systems
  • Autonomic and (self-)adaptive systems
  • Service-oriented software systems
  • Embedded and cyber physical systems
  • Collaborative software engineering
  • Software product lines
  • Energy-aware software
  • Green and sustainable technologies
  • Human factors and social aspects of software engineering
  • Tools and environments

Creation date : 10/08/2014 @ 16:35
Last update : 10/11/2014 @ 13:45
Category : -
Page read 3525 times


20-21 May 2015
Taher Moulay University of Saida
Faculty of Technology
BP 138,
EN-NASR, Saida 20000 Algeria

Email :

Tel.: +213 48 47 39 79

Fax: +213 48 47 39 79


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